I worked

Share your memories of working at Marriott's GREAT AMERICA in Santa Clara
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I worked

Post by kidkingdomkrew »

in Kid Kingdom the summer of 1984. Then later in the season I transfered to the train.
In KK the place to work was the Lil' Dodgem bumber cars, because of all the shade. The worst place was Busy Bees since there was no shade.

I remember one day working Busy Bees and two children were in a bee and the ride was going. Well it was obvious that the younger of the two children was not happy with going up. So he just pulled the rope (seat belt) and proceeded to get out of the bee. I released the dead man switch, the ride began to slow and as they came around I was able to catch the child before they hit the ground. I called out for the parent and no one claimed the child, so I took the child with me into the control area and allowed the children on the ride to continue. The parent showed up after the ride was over and yelled at me for her child not being on the ride. I tried to tell her that he jumped out and almost got seriously hurt, but she did not want to listen.

I also have memories of driving the train. You had to genlty, I mean gently pull on the lever to make the train move, and if you pulled too quickly you would give everyone whiplash. If you did pull it too quick, you hoped that your supervisor was not on the back end.
Kid Kingdom Krew, Summer 1984
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Post by steven »

Welcome! Good catch there with the jumping kid. That's such a typical response, too, from an inattentive parent. :(

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