Share your memories of working at Marriott's GREAT AMERICA in Santa Clara
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Gulf Coaster
Posts: 46
Joined: Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:37 pm


Post by segerken »

As I’ve said in earlier posting, I worked at the SC park from 1976-1980. In parts or all of the summers of 1978, 1979, and 1980 I worked on Logger’s Run.

One year, either 1978 or 1979, while I was up at the 2nd lift position (the second lift is the conveyor belt that took the log up to the high part of the ride) when I saw a log that only contained a man and a boy who were both wearing suits. I don’t have to tell you most guests don’t where a suit to an amusement park. I though this was a bit strange. Just after they went by somebody relieved me so I could go to a position in the station.

As I approached the little bridge you had to cross to get into the Logger’s Run station I notice two men standing on the bridge. These men also wore suits, but also had earpieces and in the ear so they could listen to a radio without anyone else hearing. The two men were looking out at the ride in two slightly different angles. I walked up to them and said “excuse me.” since they were in my way and they didn’t seem to notice me trying to cross the bridge. With out even taking there eyes off of the ride to see who said “excurse me”, they moved forward so that I could walk behind them to get into the station.

My next position to work was unloading which was, lets say, interesting. The man and the boy went around another of times. While they were going around, the rest of their part which must have been at least 6 people were standing in the large group getting n the way of the other guests getting off of the ride. I also remember a plain close Santa Clara cop sitting on a railing holding the Great America bag that they always used to hide their radio looking bored.

Eventually the man and the boy got off the ride and everybody left. Who were the VIPs? I don’t really know. The rumors going around the park employees were that they were from the Iranian consulate (The Shaw was still alive and we still had diplomatic relations with Iran). I won’t guess if this was true or not. The man and the boy along with the rest of the group did not look like they were Americans. The two guys on the bridge that were watching the ride did look like clean cut Secret Service men. So, it does look like they were some sort foreign diplomats that needed some sort of special security.
Gulf Coaster
Posts: 26
Joined: Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:16 am
Location: Stockton, CA

Post by soupkid »

There's always some VIP or famous person in the park. One time, one of my co-workers in Security was assigned to escort Whoopie Goldberg and her kids around the park. They would bypass the lines and go up thru the exits, and to avoid fans they would go backstage to get from one place to another. As a kid I would have hated that. How can you have fun and experience the park when you have to walk thru service roads and employee areas to get around?

Security 1985-1988
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