Welcome to the new GREATAMERICAparks.com

Welcome to the new GREATAMERICAparks.com!

I am happy that you are here! The site has a whole new look. In addition, it is now mobile-friendly and encrypted for secure connections. The main site has been completely overhauled. The photo albums and galleries and the site forums are now mobile-friendly while retaining most of their legacy appearance. You can always return to the main site from any page in the forums and photo galleries. Please note that the forums are temporarily locked during this site transition period. I’ll announce when they are reopened.

There is not much new content here yet. Most of what you will see is the original content appearing in a much-improved format, including large featured images on all of the pages for rides. The important thing is that the new site serves as the foundation for lots more new content and features to come.

Welcome back and I hope to see you here often. It’s a GREAT day at GREATAMERICAparks.com!


4 Replies to “Welcome to the new GREATAMERICAparks.com”

  1. Can’t wait but please hire enough people to work the food no reason for the cashiers to touch money and food you never know what people did with it

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